Assigning Profiles to Users & Groups allows an Administrator to apply custom device settings to a specific User account or Group of users. For assistance with assigning Profiles to Users & Groups using the inReach Enterprise web portal, please follow the instructions below.
1. To assign a profile to a user or group, navigate to the Groups & Users tab.
2. To assign a profile to a user, select the desired user from the list followed by More Details.
2a. Select Edit at the bottom of the page to modify the selected users details.
2b. From the Profile drop down, select the desired profile from the list and press Save when finished.
2c. Perform a Sync in order for the profile to reflect on the assigned device.
3. To assign a profile to a group, select the desired group from the list followed by Group Settings.
3a. Select Edit at the bottom of the page to modify the selected group details.
3b. From the Profile drop down, select the desired profile from the list and press Save when finished.
3c. Next, you will be prompted to confirm you would like to apply the selected profile to the Group. Select Assign to proceed.
3d. Perform a Sync in order for the profile to reflect on the assigned devices.
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