The inReach Explorer+ allows you to manage the maps that come preloaded on your device as well as provide you with the ability to add additional maps for other areas of the world. These maps include: North American Topo Maps, OpenStreet Maps, and Digital Atlas of the Earth.
Note: The inReach Explorer+ uses DeLorme maps
To view, add or delete maps from your inReach Explorer+, perform the following:
1. Login to
2. Navigate to the Map tab
3. Select Get More Maps
4. From the Topographic Maps tab, expand the region(s) of interest and select from the regional maps and map types avaiable.
5. Once selected, the region and map types will highlight in green, indicating they are ready to be synced to your inReach device.
6. Alternatively, you can deselect regions and map types which are no longer required.
7. Once you're satisfied with the selection of regions and map types, select Done at the top of the screen.
8. You're now ready to sync your inReach Explorer+. Navigate to the Sync tab and select Launch inReach Sync to begin the sync process.
Addition Details: About Map Types
Topo North America
(Select the Topo option on the Map tab while viewing the United States, Canada, or Mexico to see the map detail.)
A high-detailed topographic dataset with features such as contours with elevation, geographic locations, place names, landmarks, points of interest, hydrographic features, and land-use or land-cover detail. Map detail is consistent and coverage in rural areas is unparalleled.
Digital Atlas of the Earth
(Select the Topo option on the Map tab while viewing the map outside of the United States, Canada, or Mexico to see the detail.)
The Digital Atlas of the Earth (DAE) is a medium-detailed, complete, seamless, global dataset, and includes all the world’s continents and countries. It provides a consistent level of detail and reliable horizontal accuracy for features worldwide. The DAE includes major transportation layers, inland and shoreline hydrography, agreed and disputed jurisdiction boundaries, place names, and major topographic features including contours with elevation, and land-use or land-cover detail. This data is topological, routable, and GPS navigable. DAE medium-detailed data is also available for the United States, Canada, and Mexico, if available memory is limited.
(Select the OpenStreetMap option on the Map tab to see the map detail.)
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a community-developed mapping dataset, developed and added to by community mappers around the world. In populated areas of the world, OSM is a highly detailed dataset. In many rural areas of the world, OSM has medium- to low-detailed data. Features are added and edited by community members with local knowledge. Coverage of features may vary and includes geographic locations, place names, landmarks, points of interest, hydrographic features, and land-use/land cover. OSM is an open data source. OSM also includes an open data source elevation dataset.
Public Land Survey System
Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is a subdivision and description of land in the United States based on a rectangular system of surveys. Typically, the land is divided into 6-mile square townships. The townships are divided into 36 1-mile square sections. Available in most states.
Game Management Units
Areas or units defined by each state used to regulate and define hunting boundaries by either species or seasons, or by both species and seasons.
Public Lands
Lands held and maintained by the United States Government in trust. Examples of lands included are Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and State Trust Lands.
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