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  • SIM (Pin) Lock vs Phone (Pin) Lock

    Introduction   It is important to distinguish between a Phone Lock and a SIM Lock, to determine the process and default codes are used. Performing too many incorrect attempts can lock the SIM/devic...

  • Data Connection - Inmarsat & Iridium Devices

    Please Note! Currently, we are only able to support data connections on the Iridium GO! and the included software.   Inmarsat - Isatphone 2.0 or 2.1 Inmarsat has confirmed that as of January 11th...

  • Iridium GO! Troubleshooting

    Introduction This article will detail the steps of troubleshooting your Iridium GO! device depending on the issue you are experiencing. To view, click on the section most applicable to your issue t...

  • Iridium 9575 (Extreme) Troubleshooting

    Introduction This article will detail the steps of troubleshooting your Iridium 9575 device depending on the issue you are experiencing. To view, click on the section most applicable to your issue ...

  • Iridium 9555 Troubleshooting

    Introduction This article will detail the steps of troubleshooting your Iridium 9555 device depending on the issue you are experiencing. To view, click on the section most applicable to your issue ...

  • Isatphone 2 Troubleshooting

    Introduction This article will detail the steps of troubleshooting your Isatphone 2 device depending on the issue you are experiencing. To view, click on the section most applicable to your issue t...

  • Iridium GO! - Voicemail Access

    The voicemail feature will enable you to access a message inbox that is stored in the Iridium network.   The default Voicemail number +881662990000 is pre-programmed. To set-up Voicemail, press the...

  • Iridium 9555 - Factory Reset

    If you are having an issue with your Iridium 9555, resetting it to factory default settings may solve the issue.   Reset to Factory Defaults From the main screen select Menu by pressing the left s...

  • Iridium 9555 & Iridium 9575 - "Phonebook Failed To Initialize Error"

    If you are unable to access your phonebook from Menu, or make modifications, and get the Error "Phonebook failed to Initialize", then follow the steps below:   1. Power the device on. 2. From a bla...

  • Isatphone 2 - Reset all Settings

    If you are having an issue with your Isatphone 2, such as being unable to connect to the network after extensive troubleshooting, resetting it to factory default settings may solve the issue   To d...